10 Minute Lower Body Workout – At Home 

If your leg day does not work for you like it used to you can choose this new burning ten-minute legs workout.This workout was designed by certified personal trainer Lisa Tanker and it trains all the major muscle groups in the lower body while helping you to make your butt rounder with ease.

This workout consists of simple but very effective moves such as squats and lunge variations. These exercises are good for strengthening the muscles of your legs and buttocks.All you need to have is sportswear, dumbbells and a small step. Here is your training plan:

#1. Steps + dumbbells (10 times)

Image result for Steps + dumbbells"

– Place a bench in front of you. Hold a pair of dumbbells and stand facing the bench. Brace your core and keep your gaze straight ahead.

– Bring your right knee up and step up on to the bench. Placing all of the effort in your right leg, bring your body up into a standing position on the bench.

– Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and switch legs.

#2. Lunges (10 times)

Image result for Lunges"

– Stand tall with a tight core and make sure your feet are shoulder-width apart. Bring your hands together for balance.

– Step directly to the left, leaving your right foot in place. Bend the left knee and pause once the upper left thigh is parallel to the ground. Your right leg should be completely straight.

– Contract the hamstring muscle then push off the ground to return to the starting position. Repeat on the right side. Alternate this movement.

#3. Plié squat (20 times)

Image result for Plié squat"

– Stand up straight with a tight core and flat back. Position your feet wider than shoulder-width. Your toes should be facing out diagonally.

– Holding a dumbbell with both hands in front of you, look straight ahead and bend at the knees while driving your hips backward. Your knees should be following your toes in a diagonal line.

– Complete this wide stance squat by having your thighs come parallel with the ground. Pause and slowly return to the starting position without locking your knees. Repeat.

#4. Curtsy lunge (10 times)

– Standing with a braced core and flat back, bring your hands together at chest height. Position your feet to be at hip-width.

– Beginning with the right foot, step backward and across your left foot. Simultaneously, bend the left knee and drop it towards the ground.

– Stop when the front right knee is parallel with the ground. Push off the ground with your right foot and return to the starting position.

#5. Glute Bridges (20 times)

Image result for Glute Bridges"

– Lie on an exercise mat with your knees bent so that your feet are flat on the floor. Keep your back straight. Place your hands out to your sides palms flat for stability.

=- Raise your glutes off the floor by extending your hips upward while pushing down through you heels. Continue until your back, hips and thighs are in a straight line. Hold for a count of one.

– Return to the start position by lowering your hips back to the floor. Pause then repeat.

#6. Clamshell + resistant band (10 times)

Image result for clamshell exercise"

– On a mat or comfortable surface, lie on your left side. Place your left hand behind your head while placing your right hand across your body.

– Bend your stacked knees so that your feet are behind you. Begin the movement by lifting the left knee up while keeping the feet together.

– Pause at the top of the movement and slowly lower your left knee down to the starting position.

#7. Squat Jacks (10 times)

– Stand with your feet hip width apart. Your toes should be pointing straight ahead or only slightly outward. Cross your arms in front of your body, place your hands behind your head or at the sides of your head.

– Keep your weight on your heels and bend your knees while lowering your hips towards the ground as if you are sitting down on a chair. Keep your back straight at all times.

– Continue until you feel a slight stretch in your quadriceps. Do not let your knees extend out beyond the level of your toes.

– Pause for a count of one. In an explosive movement, drive down through your heels pushing yourself up of the floor with your quads. At the same time extend our arms out above you. Land with your knees slightly bent to absorb the impact.

#8. Side to Side Jump Squats

– Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend at the knees while driving your hips back. Keep your chest up and your core tight.

– Remain in a squat stance as you forcefully push off the ground, jumping to the right side. Check your form then repeat, jumping to the other side.

– Keep alternating between sides.