To show the abs this summer on the beach, don’t spend a lot of money on expensive fitness centers, special diets and slimming creams. All you need a simple chair and 10 minutes a day.

Here are five simple exercises with a chair, which will help bring the stomach into shape.

1. Squats

  • Upright straight arms in the edge of a chair.
  • Bend your knees at a right angle. Feet set slightly wider than shoulder width.
  • Bend elbows and lowered down, then go back to completely straighten the arms.

2. Lifting Legs

  • Sit on the edge of a chair: knees bent, hands on a chair behind you.
  • Move your buttocks forward, they do not touch the chair.
  • Lift the straight left leg parallel to the floor.
  • Repeat 20 times, alternating legs.

3. Plank

  • Having rested hands on the edge of a chair and straighten your body in one line, take the position bar.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Swipe in this position for 30 seconds.
  • Each day try to increase the time of 10 seconds.

4. Body Turns

  • Stand behind a chair, put his hands on his back.
  • Take a few steps back, knees slightly bent, until the breasts are not parallel to the floor.
  • Slowly turn the body to the left, while raising his left arm over the ear.
  • Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.

5. Twisting Lying

  • Lie on your back, slide to a chair and put your feet up on the seat.
  • Put your hands behind your head.
  • With the help of abdominal muscles lift your shoulder blades off the floor and touch your left elbow to right knee.
  • Repeat 20 times, alternating sides.