The thought of putting on a bikini may seem daunting after a winter of big sweaters and puffy jackets. After all, what on Earth will your belly look like? If you’re feeling like you need to slim down a bit before venturing to the store to find that perfect bathing suit… you don’t need to stick to boring crunches. Instead, try these 6 Exercises for Summer Ready Abs!


1. Elbow Plank
Exercise Library: Elbow Plank Arm Raises on Make a GIF

Holda 60 second elbow plank by laying flat on your stomach, bend your elbows to support your body, and raise your body off the ground. Throughout this exercise make sure to keep your back and legs straight.elbow planking

2. Windshield Wipers

Lay on your back with your legs straight in the air at a 90 degree angle to your body. While keeping your legs straight, slowly bring both legs down to your right side so they’re hovering over the ground (or to the point where your lower back starts to pop-up). Repeat with the other side. Do this 20 times on each side.

3. Side Lift Plank

Image result for Side Lift Plank

Start by laying on your side with your elbow on the ground. Slowly, and with control, lift your hips off the ground and return to starting position. Repeat 20 times on each side.

4. V-Crunch

Most Effective 6 Crunch Exercise For Solid Six Pack Abs » Fitness

Sit on the ground and raise your legs off the ground so that your back and legs are in a V-shape. Bring your arms in front of you so that you are using your abs to balance you for 5 seconds. Make sure your legs and back are straight to get the full benefit on this exercise. Repeat 15 times.

5. Reverse Crunches

Lay flat on your back and raise your legs up at a 90 degree angle with your torso. Keep your arms flat on the ground or raise them up to your toes. Avoiding a rocking back and forth motion, raise your butt and lower back off the ground and slowly lower back down with control. Repeat 30 times.

6. Side Plank Crunches

Image result for Side Plank Crunches

Get into the side plank position described in #3. Rest your free hand on the back of your head. Bend your leg in toward your head so that your knee is facing your elbow. Be sure to keep your abs and hips tight. Go back to starting position. Repeat 15 times on each side.