Are you finding it difficult to fit into your little black number? Is belly fat giving you sleepless nights? If your answer is yes, you need to make some lifestyle changes to get the figure of your dreams. No doubt, belly fat looks aesthetically displeasing. It can assume serious proportions and affect long term health, if not curbed at the right time.

Dieting and exercise go hand in hand. If you thought that only dieting will burn your belly fat, you are wrong. If you really want to lose weight, you need to include an hour of exercise in your daily routine for targeting and reducing belly fat. Here, we have compiled a list of 6 exercises that can help you reduce belly fat faster than you thought it would take:

1. Bicycle 

Image result for bicycle exercise GIF

Bicycles create fire in the core because they require deep abdominal stabilization and rotation. They have also have been proven to activate more muscle fibers in the rectus abdominus and obliques than a standard crunch.

2. Twist crunches 

Sit on the ground with your knees bent, pull your abs to your spine, and lean back a few inches while lifting your feet off the floor. Be sure to keep your back straight.
Reach your arms out in front of you, and twist your torso to the right, then to the left, repeating for one minute. Lower your heels to the ground if you need to.

3. Captain’s chairs

Sit in a sturdy chair with your feet flat on the floor. As you exhale, suck your navel in toward your spine as far as you can, contracting your belly to squeeze all of the air out of your lungs. Hold for 1 to 3 seconds.

4. Oblique crunches

5. Butterfly crunches

6. Planks

What Happens To Your Body When You Do Planks Every Day, Science ...

The plank has become one of the key go to exercises to define your core. If you are struggling to maintain the arms straight position try this exercise on your forearms. Be sure to align your elbows and shoulders and keep your hips, heels and shoulders at the same height.