Many people agree that squats are the king of all strength training exercises.And it’s for a good reason.The benefits of squats go beyond increasing lower body strength and size.Squats have a huge hormonal response and greatly impact the nervous system. This effect increases growth of all muscles. Not only that, squats will also improve your flexibility and reduce risk of injury when running.

You should always find ways to make your workouts more challenging. These variations will make your workout more interesting and challenge you in different ways. After a month of doing these exercises consistently…..your legs will be bigger and stronger and you’ll be more flexible.

The main muscles worked by squats are the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and the lower back.

Make sure you learn to do each variation properly. And always do full range of motion. There were claims that deep squats stress the knees but research shows that’s not true. Deep squats burn more calories and improve knee stability.
Here are the top 6 bodyweight squat variations. Never skip leg day again.


How To: Begin with feet shoulder width apart, then pull the shoulders back and stick your chest out. You can place hands on the side or behind your head (prisoner style) or out in front…..whichever you prefer.
Then squat by dropping your butt as if you are going to sit on chair. The pressure should be on your heels (your toes may slightly go up if you’re a beginner). Go as deep as you can. A full squat is when you go down until the thighs rest on the calves. Rise to starting position and repeat.
Pointer: Make sure your knees don’t go past the toes when squatting.


How to: Start with feet shoulder width apart then lower yourself and pause when the thighs are parallel to the floor. Then hold that position for 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
Pointer: Always use a timer when doing isometric exercises. It’s easy to give up if you don’t time yourself.


This is a great explosive exercise. I may note…. research shows that programs with plyometric exercises like jump squat increase strength more than regular strength training.
How to: Start in the normal squat position. Then squat as deep as you can. Then explode from the bottom by jumping off the floor. Return to starting position and repeat.


Also called the split squat. This exercise improves flexibility by stretching the hamstrings.
How to: Stand in a split stance, with the rear foot elevated on a high surface like a chair or a box. Keep your torso upright and the front foot flat on the floor. Then lower yourself until the rear knee slightly touches the floor. Slowly rise to starting position and repeat.
Pointer: Make sure the front knee doesn’t go past the toes.


Other than activating the glutes and quads this exercise also undoes the effects of sitting down all day by stretching the hamstrings.

#6. Rolling Squat

Image result for Rolling Squat GIF

This can be done as an endurance exercise. It also helps activate the ab and core muscles.
How to: Do a normal squat then at the bottom, lie on your back, lift the legs up and thrust your hips off the floor. Then quickly place feet on the floor and rise to starting position. You can use your hands to push off the floor if you don’t have enough momentum.