Don’t like doing squats? These 7 exercises are just as effective

If you want to work your thighs and glutes, squats are a must. They’re THE exercise that strengthens the legs, and therefore a long-time favorite in training programs. But if you’re like me, you might prefer to replace squats with something else. The good news is that you can effectively work your legs and glutes without having to do squats. Discover with me seven exercises that can easily compete with squats.

Here are seven effective exercises to change the squats :

1- Lunges:

Next to knee bends, lunges are another classic leg strengthening exercise. Like squats, they also work the core. The big advantage of lunges over squats is that you work one side at a time. This exercise mobilizes your deep muscles even more, which stabilizes your body.

Muscles: thighs, trunk

Breathing: inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up

Tip: the front knee is at the level of the ankle, keep the upper body straight

2 – Curtsy Lunges

curtsy lunge

The Curtsy Lunge is a variation of the classic lunge. This variation allows you to work the outer sides of the legs and the buttocks more intensely. This one-sided exercise also works the core – perfect if you want chocolate bars!

Muscles: thighs and buttocks, core

Breathing: inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up

Tip: Front knee is at ankle level, briefly touch the back knee to the floor on the side of the front heel, keeping your upper body straight

3 – Donkey Kicks

Donkey kicks are the ultimate exercise to give your glutes a boost. These “kicks” mobilize the entire back muscles. Tip: Here are even more effective gluteal exercises!

Muscles: hamstrings, glutes, lower back

Breathing: breathe in on the way down, breathe out on the way up

Tip: bend your feet and push your heels towards the ceiling while covering your stomach, without rounding your back.

4 – The side leg raise


Want to feel your thighs burn from all sides? Then don’t forget the side leg raise! Even squats don’t work the sides of the thighs as much.

Muscles: Lateral thigh muscles

Breathing: inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up

Tip: keep your shoulders and pelvis aligned, extend your leg completely

5 – Reverse hyperextensions

This variant of hyperextension has nothing to envy to squats when it comes to setting the muscles on fire. To do this exercise, lie on your stomach, bend your legs and lift your thighs off the ground – ouch!

Muscles: hamstrings, glutes, lower back

Breathing: inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up

Tip: place your upper body and forehead on the ground, perform the leg movements in a slow and controlled manner

6 – The Glute Bridge

The Glute Bridge is another classic exercise to work the lower body. Just like with squats, this exercise allows you to effectively work the back of the thighs and the glutes.

Muscles: hamstrings, glutes, lower back

Breathing: inhale on the way down, exhale on the way up

Tip: push the buttocks upwards and keep them in the air when going down, while keeping the shoulders and heels well on the ground

7 – The wall chair

The chair is another super effective exercise to work the entire thighs and glutes. Will you still be able to walk after this posture exercise? Nothing is less certain!

Muscles: thighs and buttocks, calf muscles

Breathing: breathe in and out continuously

Tip: Keep your back straight against the wall, press your heels firmly into the floor, bend your knees above your ankles to form a 90 degree angle with your legs.