Usually in the entire process of weight loss it is recommended to combine your exercises with a light cardio training. When cardio training is mentioned it means that you will need to start running on the truck at the gym or running outside on the street. Although most of the people are considering running as the basis of the cardio training, there are those who simply hate to run.

If you are among those people who need to add some cardio training to your everyday workout routine, but you do not want to run, do not get disappointed so easily because there is a number of exercises that can replace the running, and are much more interesting than running. Additionally, these exercises are tightening your body and forcing it to burn more calories.

The good thing about these optional exercises is that you do not have to leave your home and go to the gym or at the street so that you can perform your cardio training. These exercises allowing you to perform them at home and sweat properly in order to burn calories.

The strength straining is a workout that includes usage of certain weighting agents, usually dumbbells. The cardio exercises are defined as exercises that should strengthen the cardiovascular system and the same includes additional weighting agents, usually cycling, running, or aerobics.

If you tend to improve the metabolism of your body, then the power loads are the ones that will do the job for you. The good thing about the power loads is that the same will keep your metabolism elevated for a longer period of time after finishing with the workout session.

It is quite interesting that there is a cardio training option that will burn more calories and faster than the force loads. This cardio training option is great for those who are looking for an intense strength training, because the same is actively burning carbohydrates and not fat.

Following is the 10-exercises program which can be considered as an alternative of the cardio training or more precisely of the running. Perform each exercise correctly as many times as it is suggested to you, in order to gain beneficial effect of the workout fully.


Image result for Burpees gif

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 15 reps x 3 sets


Image result for Plank gif

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved.Perform 45sec x 3 sets


Image result for Squats

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 20 reps x 3 sets


Image result for Push-Ups

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 10 reps x 3 sets

Jumping Jacks

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 25 reps x 3 set

Frog Jump

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 20 reps x 3 sets

Step Up

Image result for Step Up exercise

Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 15 reps each leg x 3 sets.


Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 15 reps each leg x 3 sets.

Spiderman Plank

Image result for Spiderman Plank
Follow the detailed instructions on the photo and perform the exercise correctly as it is presented to you in order effective results to be achieved. Perform 15 reps each side x 3 sets.

Donkey Kicks

Image result for Donkey Kicks